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Blogs and Social Media

As you can see on my moniker that I am also a blogger. I've been blogging since college and I really do enjoy it. I blog about my daily life, my hobbies (writing, cooking, baking, watching television and films, music, fashion), whatever makes me laugh and much more!


The acting/entertainment business is wonderful and I learn something new from it everyday, but it is nice to unwind and talk about random and interesting things on your free time. Hence why, I blog!


Click on the buttons to view my main blogs. Take a look at them and I hope you enjoy the content! Feel free to comment on my posts because I love hearing positive feedback and I like to know that people are enjoying the thoughts that stir in my mind.


Also I am on most social media sites. I love for people to follow me on those sites. If you want to know more about me, then check out my profiles on the social media sites listed below!


Recently added: PINTEREST! I am a huge "pinner". (Is that something I truly want to reveal? Too late I guess.) Any article, video, song, recipe or anything that looks interesting to me, I post on my specialized Pinterest boards. Peruse my boards and you can like the posts or "repin" them onto your own boards if you are a not-so-secret pinner like myself.


Follow me on these social media sites!

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